Orders placed Nov 20 - Dec 15 will be shipped Dec 28 (because of holiday shipping difficulties)



Buy More - Pay Less

All scenes come in all sizes and all scales  except as noted 

Price is based on size not scene

Lead time normally two weeks

NOTICE because of virus and severe weather it could be three weeks

For your convenience Direct to Customer Sales ONLY  No thru Hobby Shop Sales except as noted here.

A serious note on our Backdrops 

Our backdrops and backgrounds are custom printed and properly scaled to do justice to the hours you have spent on your layout. We have over 10,000 variations so your selection will be unique to you and your model RR. If all you want is something to cover a wall and most anything will do, there are other suppliers with inexpensive products. Most competitor backdrops are computer generated (cartoons) and not scaled - look close. We also have Easy Backdrops, EzScenes and EzKut as low as $9.95 for a quick job.

Know what you are buying

Full size SAMPLES available

We have a new media  better than our "super media"  click here  great for high humidity or rough environment
We have a surcharge of $20/print for the super media, but well worth it. Only super media available
We have a new media which is a plastic based material. Has all the benefits of our super media plus more. Go to media for info. BackDrops are on the new media.
42 inch high (40.75 printed, .625 inch border) now available.  81 inch in 2 parts
The horizon will be the same as shown on web for HO ( 20% horizon compression ) with 6 inch more sky. For O the horizon may be the same as shown on the web for O ( 36 x 12 ) with 6 inch more sky or expanded up 6 inch. The color may be slightly better due to new technology and 6 ink colors for 42" & BD vs 4 ink standard for all other BG sizes. The clouds may be moved up slightly.  All our prints have been 4 ink standard to date. 6 ink is new technology for 42 inch & BD only. All BackDrops (BD) 18, 24, 36, 42 will now be 6 ink (BG 18, 24, 36 will be 4 ink).

Look at Backdrop vs BackGround  also Scale

  Sold as one piece for the size shown - not small pieces stuck together! 
New Backdrop Design Program  "MockUp"  easy, fun, informative   
See how your backdrop looks on a layout
All orders should be tested on MockUp  click here  

Big Discounts available below (  20% off for 3 or more 24, 36, 42 in.)

Also look at SALE page for 40% and 50% off


International orders minimum $150 plus shipping

Extended Warrantee for 4 years, covers accidental damage, $40 each or $32 for 3 or more. click here

Buy More - Pay Less    Lower prices 2 & more  Price for just one   Big Discounts after one 20%  30%  40%

Size (scale info)you should look

BG Clouds.& Sky Group

BackGrounds   what is? BackDrops   what is?
11 in. by 8.5 ft.  N, HO  what is? EB
Any 3 scenes, same or different
 N/A $240 for 3 (groups of  3)     EB   what is?  N/A
18 in. by 8 ft.  N or HO

N scale warning

  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different 

$235  all scales 
(40% discount for 2)
$235 (40% discount for 2)
$225 (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

18 in. by 10 ft. N or HO

N scale warning

  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different
$240  all scales
 (40% discount for 2)
 $240  (40% discount for 2)  
$230  (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

18 in. by 12 ft. HO only
  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different
$245  all scales
(40% discount for 2)
 $245  (40% discount for 2)  
$235  (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

11 in. by 8.5 ft.    from 18"x12' -36%
  surcharge $17 waived
$260  TOTAL FOR 1 2 OR 3

6 ink colors

21 in. by 8 ft. HO only
  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different
$270  (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

21 in. by 10 ft. HO only
  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different
$275  (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

21 in. by 12 ft. HO only
  40% discount for groups of 2, same or different
$280  (40% discount for 2)

6 ink colors

 24 in. by 8 ft.   HO
.$230  all scales
6 ink colors
 24 in. by 10 ftHO
.$235  all scales
6 ink colors
 24 in. by 12 ft. HO
.$240  all scales
6 ink colors
.36 in. by 8 ft.  OHO
6 ink colors
 36 in. by 10 ft. OHO
6 ink colors
 36 in. by 12 ft. OHO
6 ink colors
42 in. by 8 ft.  OHO

←   See

6 ink colors
6 ink colors
42 in. by 10 ft.  OHO

←   See

6 ink colors
6 ink colors
42 in. by 12 ft.  OHO

←   See

6 ink colors
6 ink colors
 10 in. by 8 ft.  under blemish  N/A  under blemish  N/A
12 in. by 6 ft. Z or N or 14 x 6ft 14% larger
also 18 by 6 ft
also 24 by 6 ft

see note below

( actual print size 11.4 in. x 6.3 ft or 13 in x 6.3 ft
(or 17.25 x 6.3 ft.)
 N/A  N/A
$180 (one scene)
12 x 6 or 18 x 6 or 24 x 6
( $20 media charge is waived for super media, is $20 /1 for backlit )
2 & 3 scene discount applies
$90 each (two scenes)
12 x 6 or 18 x 6
( $20 media charge is waived for super media, is $20 / 2 for backlit )
$60 each (three scenes) 12 x 6ft
$70 each (three scenes 14x6ft)
( $20 media charge is waived for super media, is $20 / 3 for backlit )
$30  combine
12x6 + 12x6=12x12
or 18 or 24 = 18x12 or 24x12
Shelf Layout  11.25 in. x 36 ft.

Info here

$250 $250 $240


varies $40 -$90 varies $40 -$90 varies $40 -$90
 Extended Warrantee for 4 years $40 ea discounts apply $40 ea discounts apply $40 ea discounts apply

Rush Order

Additional info


Special consideration

Odd size BG or BD  34.75 in. long
 18, 24, 36, 42 inch high
$90  no media charge $90  no media charge $90  no media charge

Special consideration

  Odd size BD only
  Non-Standard sizes
N/A N/A Priced at next higher standard size plus $30

S scale use HO or O,    G scale use O  Look at our scale vs size page.

Please do not buy a background or backdrop to see what one looks like. Use samples, blemish or EB for this purpose.
By purchasing one of our backdrops or backgrounds you agree to the return policy defined below.

We do not accept money orders, sorry **

Payment by credit card invoice or check


We can change Eastern sky to Western or vise-versa for $30 each scene.  We do not change the clouds so eastern clouds will be low detail on a western sky. There is a risk of artifacts as the scene is designed with the sky it has. Not recommended unless necessary.

IMPORTANT: Please read this information before making a purchase

Please list multiple scenes left to right (CW) as they will be installed.  We cannot guarantee a color match for scenes purchased on different dates. 

Information on print size vs scale click here  very important!

Information on Mounting click here

Super Media click here

Replacement for failed installation (70% discount) click here

For HO scale 36 inch high

Some scenes have nothing in the foreground so there is no  reason to scale the scene down for HO.  We use the same scene (scale) as for O scale.  Those scenes are indicated on the stock number page as Category ?O, example AO or CO.  If you want more sky and less scene, tell us or add an S to the end of the stock number.  This applies only to HO using 36 inch high scenes. More info on scale

Why our BackDrops are unique.   click here



Discounts -- Use one of this group -- not additive -- samples, EB, blem. not included


    2 scenes plus

1) BackDrops/BackGrounds get a 15% discount for A and B, or any two letters, or std and reversed scenes of (24, 36, 42 inch x 8, 10, 12 ft) of the same number ( like BG MT 218 ) when purchased together or any 2 scenes any length of 24, 36, 42 inch when purchased with a transitionNot EB, EZscenes, blemish, canvas or 18 inch.  Max. total combined discount 50%

3 or more scenes plus

2) BackDrops/BackGrounds get a  20% discount for 3 or more mixed scenes standard lengths (8, 10, 12 ft) when purchased at the same time (24, 36, 42 in.) only, 3 pairs for 18 in. [18 in. discount below]).   Not EB, EZscenes, blemish, canvas. Max. total combined discount 50%


  Discounts -- added to any other discounts

18 inch high only

1) BackDrops/BackGrounds get a  40% discount for 18 inch high when purchased in pairs of mixed scenes. Not EB,EZ scenes, blemish, canvas. Max. total combined discount 50%

3 pair 20% discount above also applies
(1 pair = 1 for 15, 20, 30% discounts)


Z/N Scale - For Z or N scale only.  Stock BACKGROUNDS 24 in. x 12 ft. HO scenes are scaled down by 2 and doubled in resolution for Z or N scale. Any of our scenes can be selected. Transitions are also available at the standard $60 charge. When ordering, indicate Z or N scale and 12 inch x 6 ft. (actual 11.4 x 6.3 ft) or 18 x 6 (17.25 x 6.3) or 24 x 6 (24 x 6.3) and the BACKGROUND scene stock numbers requested.  The installed length would be 18 ft for 3 scenes. Z or N scale. 12 x 6/18 x 6/24 x 6 scenes are high resolution BACKDROPS, not BACKGROUNDS.  To make 18 or 24 inch from the 12 inch we extend the sky upward, the scene is the same as 12 inch high.  We can combine A + B (12 x 6 ft + 12 x 6 ft = 12 x 12 ft) however this doubles the media used and therefore has $30 charge for each combine. TRANSITIONS are $60 each.
Please do not include any html, or anything other than straight text in your email. Any attachments or any embedded content will cause the entire email to be dumped.  This includes imbedded ads in the email.   TITLE (subject) must = BACKDROP.   We do not give recommendations on scene choices or compatible transitions, sorry

On length reduce 5-7 inch for label and overlap on multiple scenes

12 inch 11.4 inch printed 30.0 cm
18 inch 17.25 inch printed 43.8 cm
21 inch 20.25 inch printed 51.4 cm
24 inch 24 inch printed 61.0 cm
36 inch 34.75 inch printed 88.3 cm
42 inch 40.75 inch printed 103.5 cm
8 ft 106 inch printed 2.69 m
10 ft 130 inch printed 3.3 m
12 ft 160 inch printed 4.06 m

A $50 (on BackGrounds) ($60 on BackDrops) ($80 on Canvas/Satin) printing charge is included in the price for each BackDrop/BackGround scene. You pay only the price indicated.


Shipping $40 per order, multiple items still $40 up to 3 tubes*  up to 3 scenes/tube, shipped USPS priority mail 2-3 days  (USA only)
Orders placed Nov 20 - Dec 15 will be shipped Dec 28 (because of holiday shipping difficulties)
Lead time = 2 weeks   All orders are custom prepared and custom printed.
Rush orders: $100/order to jump in front of everyone else.
        large orders (over 4 scenes) and/or transitions may take longer and cost more
Shipments to a business address are delayed one week due to USPS confirmation of complete and accurate business address.  About 50% fail confirmation.
Our scenes shipped in tamper proof tubes with sealed ends. Safe from us to you.





Credit Card or PayPal payment required same day or plus one, non payment order cancelled, $30 charge for reorder non paid invoice.

Is a waste of our time on non paid orders.



 ORDERS: 1-970-247-1583 USA and Canada only

Please give operator: complete stock number shown in black, print size, scale, and price

Delivery in about 2 weeks. Scenes are individually printed.

     Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express    by invoice  OR CHECK TO OUR BANK
Address: Salt Lake City, Utah

*$40 shipping per order within continental USA only

shipped USPS priority mail  2-3 days


Call  1-970-247-1583 USA and Canada only

If you don''t get us 9-9, please leave a phone number where we can reach you in the evening.

Best time to reach us is 9-9 (Mt. time) Mon. - Sat. 

Sample choices here

We do not give recommendations on scene choices or compatible transitions, sorry


International Orders including Canada

        excluding Canada



MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (USA - Canada Only):   call us at 1-970-247-1583 if you have questions

International shipments will be a case by case basis. 

Damage or mistakes should be reported immediately and must be reported within 20 days of receipt.  After 20 days the print files are destroyed and we cannot correct the problem.  After 20 days, use "Replacement for Damaged Installation", below, to replace all affected scenes. Any returns must be in the same condition as received from us. Although color mismatches are uncommon, delays increase the chance of a color mismatch on a replacement, therefore we strongly recommend an immediate check for mistakes.

Do not send merchandise returns to our flat mail address, it will not be accepted and may be lost or damaged and then you will have nothing.  You are responsible for shipping to the correct address.  Shipping to the wrong address may void tracking, insurance and payment credit.
All BackGrounds, BackDrops, EasyBackGrounds are custom printed just for you.
Fraudulent representation, false information, charge backs, disputes on credit card purchase may additionally bring legal action. You agree to pay any collection costs and associated costs and damage for unpaid balances or payments due that are defined or not defined in this policy.
Returns must be in the same condition as received from us.

75% money back guarantee
(after printing/shipping charge and media charge*) (additional charge for N scale, see*) for stock Backdrops and Backgrounds return postmarked within 15 days of receipt at your end. A 25% restocking charge based on the full retail price listed on the web page PRICING for stock Backdrops and Backgrounds return postmarked within 15 days of receipt at your end will be charged for one piece. Piece must be returned in the original shipping tube and received by us in a condition suitable for resale. Installed and removed or modified scenes may not be suitable for resale. Insure as necessary. Offer good for one scene, one time per customer. USA only. Printing, shipping and media charge is not refundable*. A Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is required. Returns without an RMA will be refused.  RMA and all associated agreements expire after 21 days from the RMA date. International shipments will be a case by case basis.  No returns on EB scenes,  EzBackGrounds, EzScenes, EZ cutouts, EGscenes, samples, blemishes, transitions, N scale 18, 24, 36, 42 inch, "we pick the scenes". Printing charge also applies to scenes completed but not shipped.  Cancellation or changes with proof must be made before scenes are invoiced to avoid charges and generally made the same day as ordered. There may be a $30 charge imposed on a return if the scene was shipped to an address other than the credit card billing address. Additional charges may apply if original quantity discounts are no longer valid because of a return. Scenes that have a warning for scale or size (example=Not recommended for HO, may be large) and the warning is ignored are not eligible for this option .   This option is not intended for checking out our products - we have many sample options for that. Deduct the $$ discount not paid per item returned. This return guarantee supersedes any other printed guarantee.
What people are saying about our backdrops

For more than one scene or after 15 days and less than 30 days:

A 40% (if replaced with equal value) or 50% (no replacement) restocking charge based on the full retail price listed on this page for stock Backdrops and Backgrounds return postmarked within 30 days of receipt at your end will be charged for each piece. The restocking fee may be reduced depending on the circumstances and at our discretion. Piece must be returned in the original shipping tube and received  by us in a condition suitable for resale. Installed and removed or modified scenes may not be suitable for resale. Insure as necessary. USA only. Printing, shipping and media charge is not refundable*. A Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) is required. Returns without an RMA will be refused. RMA and all associated agreements expire after 21 days from the RMA date.  International shipments will be a case by case basis.  No returns on EB scenes, EzBackGrounds, EzScenes, EZ cutouts, EGscenes, samples, blemishes, transitions, N scale 18, 24, 36, 42 inch , "we pick the scenes". Restocking charges also apply to scenes completed but not shipped. Cancellation or changes with proof must be made before scenes are invoiced to avoid charges and generally made the same day as ordered. There may be a $20 charge imposed per scene on a return if the scene(s) were shipped to an address other than the credit card billing address. Credit back may be reduced by the removal or reduction of discounts for multiple original purchase. All restocking charges are based on the full retail price excluding any discounts. Returns postmarked after 30 days of receipt at your end will be returned. Scenes that have a warning for scale or size (example=Not recommended for HO, may be large) and the warning is ignored are not eligible for this option.   Deduct the $$ discount not paid per item returned. If you have questions about this policy, please give us a call. 

*A printing charge of
$20 on BackGrounds O, HO, N scale
$30 on BackDrops O, HO, N scale
$40 on Backgrounds 18, 21 inch N scale
$50 on BackDrops 18, 21 inch  N scale
$50 on Canvas
 is included in the retail price for each BackDrop/BackGround scene. There may be a $20 media charge included in the price or a separate charge as indicated for BG and BD and $40 shipping charge.  Media, shipping and printing charge are not refundable. All scenes are custom made and printed individually for you.

We reserve the right to refuse to process an order or refuse to accept a return on orders that have had multiple previous returns.


Replacement for damage during installation:
We will replace any BackDrop / Background damaged during installation within 6 months of purchase date for a payment of the retail price -50% discount ( 50% off the retail purchase price per piece - waived if on extended warrantee).  There is a shipping charge of $40 per shipping tube, limit 3 scenes/ customer (continental USA only, exact shipping cost for international).  There is a $20 super media charge per piece if printed on our super media (100% are)  (Transition replacement limited to 2 months from ship date - waived if on extended warrantee).  The damaged scene must be returned even if in small pieces within 15 days of receipt of replacementReplacement will be the same as the original, no modifications allowed. A Return Material Authorization,  RMA is required for all returns.  RMA and all associated agreements expire after 21 days from the RMA date.  This warrantee does not apply to canvas or satin prints. Does not apply to EB scenes, EzBackGrounds, EzScenes, Eg Scenes, samples, blemishes, wholesale.  Extended Warrantee waives some charges above but return requirements are the same.


The information received regarding any order remains solely with Historical Video Productions, Inc.  (BackDrop Warehouse).  We do not pass any information to other companies other than applicable credit card information for credit card clearing. In short - excluding credit card info to credit card clearing through Bank of America, we don''t give any information to anybody and it is not stored in a way that could be hacked.


NOTE - We do not guarantee color match between panels, panel one matching panel two 

This product will be replaced with the same scene and same size if this product is found to be defective. It is solely our determination if the product is defective or not. Although we try to have every backdrop defect free, each scene is individually printed and it is possible to have a small spot or mark.  If a mark is not readily noticeable from a foot away from the scene and within the printed area,  it probably is not defective. Scenes returned that are not defective will be treated as a return as defined above.  Truly defective scenes will be replaced free of charge but must be returned within 30 days of our ship date. Except for such replacement, this product is sold without any warranty or liability even through defect, damage, or loss is caused by negligence or other fault. Since inks and media may slightly change color over time depending on the environment, this product will not be replaced for, or warranted against, any change in color or change in media other than a limited warrantee for the media, click here. There is no other warranty written or implied. No other liability of any kind or any other reason will be accepted by Historical Video Productions, Inc., DBAs, subsidiaries, owners, or employees. By purchasing from Backdrop Warehouse, you agree to this waiver of liability.